Rolfing SI®
What will your Journey look like?
Adults should schedule their own appointments. Please do not schedule an appointment for your spouse, significant other, adult children or friends.
- Professional athletes to aid in recovery from injuries and improve performance
- Dancers and musicians to improve form and ease
- Pain clinics to treat symptoms associated with chronic pain, scoliosis, fibromyalgia, plantar fasciosis, and repetitive use injuries such as carpal tunnel
- Pain in the jaw, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, ribs, chest, back, abdomen, pelvis, hips, knees, legs, ankles, and feet
- Lingering pain, tenderness, or limited mobility after injuries and surgeries
- Headaches-Improving posture
- Feeling comfortable in your own body
- Student athletes
- Teenagers with "growing pains"
- Enhance proprioception and interoception
- It can help with the processing of emotions and trauma, though it isn't explicitly a goal of Rolfing
Whether you are trying to rebuild after major life changes or trying to make major life changes, come give Rolfing a try. If you wouldn't normally be able to afford Rolfing, now is the perfect opportunity. If you get a session at a discounted rate, you can continue to receive sessions at that price through the end of the year, or a total of 10 sessions, whichever comes first.
Disclaimer: Rolfing does not diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease and is not a substitute for modern medical care. Offer cannot be combined with any other promotion.
Rolfing Structural Integration
Is based on a Ten-Series format that works consecutively through the whole body, with specific goals for each session based on the client's needs.
Covid, Cold, Flu and Sicknesses Guidelines
Stay healthy and well by doing what you need to do and listen to your body.
- Stay HOME if you are sick
- Wash your hands frequently
- Remember to take care of yourself, so together we can care for others
Why Rolfing ?
The purpose of Rolfing SI is to balance and restore the physical body so that it is supported and maintained by gravity in three-dimensional space. This is done through direct physical touch and body-centered education; balance and ease in the physical body are main goals of this work.
❈ About US
Jared and Ashley Fitzgerald are certified Rolfers® in Brighton Colorado. We are excited to bring Rolfing to the Brighton area and to be working in this amazing community.
❈ Dr. Ida Rolf
-- Ida Rolf